
Thermal Fluid Heaters: The Alternative to Water Bath Heating Systems

Oftentimes, systems requiring efficient heating solutions rely on water bath heaters as a form of indirect heating. Bath heaters heat a water-glycol or water solution in a firetube burner, and that solution heats a process coil containing natural gas. The safety of this system mitigates the risk of combustion byproducts coming into direct contact with large amounts of gas.

Although water bath heaters offer certain advantages like ease of design and manufacturing, a plethora of reputable suppliers, and guidance for new users, there are certain applications where other solutions are more beneficial.

What Is the Alternative to Water Bath Heaters?

In some cases, applications may benefit from using HC2 thermal fluid heaters instead of water bath heaters. HC2 thermal fluid heaters feature advanced but easy-to-use programmable logic controller (PLC) based controls for increased cost-effectiveness. With these heaters, flue gases can be sufficiently cooled, removing the need for internal insulation on the shell.

These pre-engineered systems offer the following key features:

  • Three primary components: heater, heat exchanger, and pump(s)
  • Standard sizes available from 10 to 100 MM BTU/hr
  • Horizontal, vertical up-fired, and vertical down-fired configuration options
  • Up to a 675 °F vapor or liquid phase service
  • A skid-mounted design featuring a burner and integrated control panels
  • Dual helical coil design, with three flue gas passes

Benefits of Using Thermal Fluid Heating Systems

Depending on the specific application, you may be better off using an HC2 thermal fluid heater as an alternative due to these solutions’ unique benefits.

Thermal oil heating systems consist of a closed-loop design with a pump to supply thermal oil or water/glycol to a heater, then to a heat exchanger, then back to the heater. Operators can regulate the level of thermal liquid moving through the system using flow control valves, subsequently controlling the desired outlet gas temperature.

The forced circulation of these thermal fluid systems allows for increased thermal efficiency and a more compact design. This optimized compactness thus enables facilities to achieve optimal gas temperature settings using one highly efficient unit that makes the most of available space.

The Right Solution for Dew Point Heating

Bath heaters are the most popular solution for dew point heating because of their proven history and ease of use, especially in remote areas. However, they aren’t necessarily the most ideal solution.

Consider the unique requirements of your specific dew point heating application. While water bath heaters might function well enough, you might discover that an alternative thermal fluid system is more capable of meeting your needs with increased efficiency and dependability.

Request a Quote for Process Heating Solutions

Sigma Thermal has the combined resources and expertise to provide the right process heating solution for your unique application. Our team of highly skilled industry veterans is committed to helping each client find the best solution based on their specific requirements. Whether you need a custom-engineered system, a standard heater, or modifications to an existing system, we have the expertise to make your project a success.

Contact us today for more information, or request a quote for a heating solution.

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