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COVID-19 Impact and Resulting Sigma Thermal Action

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March 17, 2020 Dear valued customers: First and foremost, we want to thank you for your business. In an unprecedented situation like what we are facing today with COVID-19, we are forced to take a step back from normal business and recognize what is truly important. For Sigma Thermal that is the health, safety, and […]

Understanding Electric Process Heaters

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Electric process heaters use electricity to increase the temperature of liquids and gases within process systems. Depending on the application, electric process heaters may be used for both direct and indirect heating, which makes them a particularly versatile heating option. To help you find the best electric heater for your needs, we have compiled a […]

Fuel Gas Conditioning for Combustion Turbines

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The performance and longevity of an industrial or aeroderivative turbine rely heavily on the quality of the liquid or gaseous fuel employed. Inferior fuel can affect the turbine’s reliability, structural integrity, and ability to comply with local, state, and federal emission standards. With these considerations in mind, ensuring fuel gas is properly treated to remove […]

Why Sigma Thermal?

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At Sigma Thermal our commitment to providing exceptional customer service is what sets us apart from the competition. Each step of a client’s project, from inception to installation, is managed by a qualified team of professionals who focus on planning, executing, monitoring and controlling all aspects of the project until completion. Guided by a set […]

Understanding Thermal Fluids & Thermal Fluid Systems

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Thermal Fluid Management • Advantages of Thermal Oil Heating Systems Types of Thermal Fluid Heaters • Work With Sigma Thermal The demand for process heating and temperature control in the industry continues to increase as manufacturers and industrial facilities grow, expand, and seek to improve their existing operations. These process heating systems must perform consistently, […]

Introducing Our Flaretec Direct Fired Heaters

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Sigma Thermal recently merged with Flaretec to further improve our ability to provide top-quality heating solutions for industrial applications. Together, we have further strengthened our direct-fired heater experience and product portfolio. We design and manufacture three types of direct-fired heaters: Radiant-convective heaters: A direct-fired heater that uses both radiant and convective heating zones Convection heaters: […]

Select the Right Process Heater for Your Application

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If you have a requirement for heat energy but are not sure what type or size process heating system you need, let our engineers assist you! Our team of professionals can walk you through the decision process and provide guidance that will aid you in selecting the best process heater for your application. Sigma Thermal […]

Boiler MACT Compliance: Annual Testing and Burner Tuning

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The EPA’s Maximum Available Control Technology (MACT), the emission standard for sources of air pollution, sets forth specific guidelines mandating the maximum possible reduction of harmful emissions, taking both cost and feasibility into account. Under the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, MACT must not be less than the average emission limitation achieved by controls […]

Complete Waste-to-Gas Solution for Next Generation Emission Reduction System Plus Power

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Integrated Waste Gas to Power Solution (MARIETTA, GA., – August 29, 2018) – Sigma Thermal is pleased to offer a complete waste gas-to-power packaged solution. The solution is called the Emission Reduction and Power System and is comprised of Sigma Thermal’s process heater and ElectraTherm’s compact and robust organic Rankine cycle generator to offer solutions for oil […]

Sigma Thermal Purchases a 100 Kilowatt Solar Installation from Renewvia

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MARIETTA, Ga. — In keeping with their company-wide dedication to optimized efficiency and innovative energy savings, Sigma Thermal has installed a 100 kW solar energy array at the company’s facility in Marietta, Ga. This advanced, eco-friendly technology will supplement roughly half of the manufacturer’s electricity needs during peak consumption times, and nearly 100% in lower […]